Ground Water Engineers as the company is shortly known as has conducted several programs in the field of earth sciences to get field data collection.
our continuous efforts to provide excellent service that has earned us more than hundred clients who have also been our patrons for over the years.
It is the patronage of our clients and the dedicated teamwork of our site engineers that makes us professional consultants of ground water, bore well and other related engineering services.
Think Water diviner / Think ground water Engineers / As we are ground water professional with 25 Years of experience by adopting Hydrogeological and Geophysical methods , select a Borewell site bearing in mind to gives sustainable / maximum optimum discharge from a borewell, analyzing the factors that control ground water flow, decide the depth of borewell, which soil / rock formation are transmitting ground water, ground water is available in one place and not in much another place, experienced ground water consultant 25 years of services go through our clients lists that reveals our service providing efficiency to customer satisfaction.